@article{mktDESCUBRE, author = {Pasquale Cerbone and Darwin Rosales Nieto}, title = { Skills of the good administrator: a systematic mapping}, journal = {mktDESCUBRE}, volume = {1}, number = {14}, year = {2019}, keywords = {}, abstract = {The deep transformation the current world is undergoing, especially due to the increasingly rapid introduction of new technologies, means that organizations and companies, regardless of their size and the direction of their business, require the administration of people who possess skills that until recently were ignored, which also evolve to the rhythm of social demands and markets. The objective of this work is to know the most demanded skills the organizations ask from the people in charge of their administration. With this aim, a systematic mapping of existing literature was used. The results show that, regardless of the technical training, the skills that should be more present in a manager revolve around their suitability to interrelate with the people that make up the organization and that the leadership characteristic, appears more frequently among the skills required lately}, issn = {2602-8522}, pages = {79--89}, doi = {10.36779/mktdescubre/v#.#}, url = {http://revistas.espoch.edu.ec/index.php/mktdescubre/article/view/343} }