Brand city: systematic review from the hexagon of Anholt

(Enero - Junio)

  • Cristina Lizbeth Herrera Enríquez Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador
  • Luis Angel Martinez Muñoz Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador
  • Juan Carlos Castro Analuiza Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador


The city brand is a topic of interest, due to the complexity of cities and the interest of public entities to position them. However, the image of tourist destinations is not sufficiently based on theory; so, the aim of this study is to analyze research reports of the city brand, considering the dimensions of the Anholt hexagon (people, place, prerequisites, pulse, presence and potential) to highlight the most significant dimension in the management of the city brand. To answer this question, a systematic review of the main databases was carried out, and from 200 initial articles, 92 were selected, of which a quantitative analysis and a meta-analysis were performed with the random effects technique, due to the high inconsistency found. The results show that the dimension most representativeness of the city brand is people with 0.61 (IC 95% 0.45-0.76). It is concluded that the human factor is a generator of knowledge, transmitter of culture, and creator of environments so that it can develop the other dimensions, making a place more attractive to live and visit.


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Jun 11, 2018
How to Cite
HERRERA ENRÍQUEZ, Cristina Lizbeth; MARTINEZ MUÑOZ, Luis Angel; CASTRO ANALUIZA, Juan Carlos. Brand city: systematic review from the hexagon of Anholt. mktDESCUBRE, [S.l.], v. 1, n. 11, p. 3 - 14, june 2018. ISSN 2602-8522. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 03 mar. 2025.