Twenty-fourth Edition (July - December)
Vol 1 No 24 (2024)mktDESCUBRE is an open access, peer-reviewed institutional journal of the Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo (ESPOCH), of the Faculty of Business Administration (FADE). The current editorial policy invites authors to continue contributing scientific knowledge in each of the calls for papers for the benefit of open access science. The December 2024 biannual publication is a space for debate on the practices and theoretical foundations that make up the field of financial accounting management, marketing management, artistic and cultural management, business management, educational social management; its objective: to contribute to the growth and development of the academic, scientific, public and private business, and educational social sectors.
Twenty-third Edition (January - June)
Vol 1 No 23 (2024)mktDESCUBRE is an open access refereed institutional journal of the Higher Polytechnic School of Chimborazo (ESPOCH), of the Faculty of Business Administration (FADE). The current editorial policy invites authors to continue contributing with scientific knowledge in each of the calls for the benefit of open access science. The June 2023 semiannual publication is a space for debate on the practices and theoretical foundations that make up the field of marketing management, accounting financial management, business management and educational social management; Its objective: to contribute to the growth and development of the academic, scientific, public and private business and educational social sectors.
Twenty-second Edition (July - December)
Vol 1 No 22 (2023)mktDESCUBRE is an open access refereed institutional journal of the Higher Polytechnic School of Chimborazo (ESPOCH), of the Faculty of Business Administration (FADE). The current editorial policy invites authors to continue contributing with scientific knowledge in each of the calls for the benefit of open access science. The semiannual publication of December 2023 constitutes a space for debate on the practices and theoretical foundations that make up the field of business management and marketing management; Its objective is to contribute to the growth and development of the academic, business and scientific sector.
Twenty-first Edition (January - June)
Vol 1 No 21 (2023)mktDESCUBRE is an open access refereed institutional journal of the Polytechnic School of Chimborazo (ESPOCH), of the Faculty of Business Administration (FADE). The current editorial policy invites authors to continue contributing with scientific knowledge in each of the calls for the benefit of open access science. The biannual publication of June 2023 constitutes a space for debate on the practices and theoretical foundations that make up the field of business management, accounting economic financial management and marketing management; Its objective is to contribute to the growth and development of the academic, business and scientific sector.
Twentieth Edition (July - December)
Vol 1 No 20 (2022)mktDESCUBRE is an open access peer-reviewed institutional journal of the Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo (ESPOCH), of the Faculty of Business Administration (FADE). The current editorial policy invites authors to continue contributing scientific knowledge in each of the calls for the benefit of open access science. The six-monthly publication of June 2022 includes topics related to: business management, educational social management, accounting economic financial management, marketing management and transportation management; Its objective is to contribute to the growth and development of the academic, business and scientific sector.
Nineteenth Edition (January - June)
Vol 1 No 19 (2022)mktDESCUBRE is an open access peer-reviewed institutional journal of the Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo (ESPOCH), of the Faculty of Business Administration (FADE). The current editorial policy invites authors to continue contributing scientific knowledge in each of the calls for the benefit of open access science. The six-monthly publication of June 2022 includes topics related to: business management, educational social management, accounting economic financial management, marketing management and transportation management; Its objective is to contribute to the growth and development of the academic, business and scientific sector.
Eighteenth Edition (July - December)
Vol 1 No 18 (2021)mktDESCUBRE is an open access peer-reviewed institutional journal of the Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo (ESPOCH), of the Faculty of Business Administration (FADE). The biannual publication includes topics related to: business management, educational social management, accounting financial management, marketing management, transportation management, educational technology management, and artistic and cultural management; Its objective is to contribute to the growth and development of the academic, business and scientific sectors, in favor of society. The current editorial policy invites authors to continue contributing scientific knowledge in each of the calls for the benefit of open access science.
Seventeenth Edition (January - June)
Vol 1 No 17 (2021)Developing scientific knowledge and working under the methodological philosophy: moving from idea to action, is a factor of applied research that is strengthened day by day in the axes of research, academia and links in higher education institutions and in all those who feel that passion to contribute to the construction of science in the country. Michael Strevens, refers to science as something objective, methodical, lucid, sharp, but this does not limit to the fact that the theories that are built in scientific articles have theoretical beauty, that is, everything that is communicated through writings Grounded and evidenced by immediate realities, they must attract the reader and be truthful in their conclusions, to be valued as contributions to the development of scientific knowledge and society in general.
Special Edition 4th International Scientific Congress of Administrative and Financial Sciences FADE 2020
Vol 1 No Especial (2021)Memories 4th International Scientific Congress of Administrative and Financial Sciences FADE 2020
Sixteenth Edition (July - December)
Vol 1 No 16 (2020)mktDESCUBRE es una revista institucional arbitrada de acceso abierto de la Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo (ESPOCH), de la Facultad de Administración de Empresas (FADE), su publicación es semestral en temas relacionados a: gestión empresarial, gestión social educativa, gestión financiera contable, gestión de marketing, gestión de transporte, gestión de tecnología educativa y gestión artística y cultural; su objetivo es aportar en el crecimiento y desarrollo del sector académico, empresarial y científico en favor de la sociedad en general; la política editorial vigente invita a que autoras y autores sigan aportando con conocimiento científico, fruto del proceso de observar, medir, analizar y presentar resultados de un fenómeno de estudio en específico.
InnovaEc 2019 Special Edition Congress
Vol 1 No 1 (2020)The School of Business Administration of the ESPOCH with the purpose of fostering an entrepreneurial and innovation culture that allows to enhance the creativity of our students and teachers, so that they are able to generate not only sources of employment but productivity and development at the local level, regional and national puts to the consideration of the community the special edition of the magazine Mkt discovers, with scientific articles of the II International Congress of Innovation and Entrepreneurship INNOVAEC 2019 that constituted a space of discussion and encounter between the academy, the company and the society, making possible the exchange of experiences, research and concerns addressed in the different topics, as a contribution to the consolidation of administrative thinking from the theoretical and scientific point of view associated with the progress of our province and country.
Fifteenth Edition (January - June)
Vol 1 No 15 (2020)The interest in developing scientific knowledge, and working under the methodological philosophy: moving from idea to action, is a factor of applied research that is strengthened day by day in the areas of research, academia and links in higher education institutions. from the country. mktDESCUBRE, is an open access arbitrated institutional journal of the Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo (ESPOCH), of the Faculty of Business Administration (FADE), its publication is biannual on topics related to: business management, educational social management, financial management accounting, marketing management, transportation management, educational technology management and artistic and cultural management; Its objective is to contribute to the growth and development of the academic, business and scientific sectors in favor of society in general.
Special Edition 3rd International Scientific Congress of Administrative and Financial Sciences FADE 2019
Vol 1 No 2 (2020)Memorias 3er Congreso Científico Internacional de las Ciencias Administrativas y Financieras FADE 2019
Special Edition 1st International Marketing Congress
Vol 1 No 3 (2020)Memorias 1er Congreso de Marketing de la Red Ecuatoriana de Marketing
Fourteenth Edition (July - December)
Vol 1 No 14 (2019)The interest in developing scientific knowledge, and working under the methodological philosophy of moving from idea to action in our country is strengthened day by day in the academy of a higher level and in the different public institutions; in the fourteenth edition of December 2019, part of its twelve articles have research contributions from representatives of the Ministry of Economy and Finance, Superintendence of Popular and Solidarity Economy and the Public Hydrocarbons Company of Ecuador “EP PETROECUADOR”; It should be noted that mktDESCUBRE, institutional magazine of the Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo (ESPOCH - Editor) of the Faculty of Business Administration (FADE) publishes for the benefit of the academic, business and scientific sector in general issues related to business management, educational social management , accounting financial management, marketing management, transportation management, educational technology management and artistic and cultural management to generate immediate changes in favor of the growth and development of society in general.
Ninth Edition - (January - June)
Vol 1 No 09 (2017)El conocimiento se genera a través de realidades especificas e investigación, sean estas en el contexto empresarial o educativo, tanto a escala nacional como internacional. La investigación en nuestras universidades está afianzándose con paso firme, la decisión de investigar y escribir artículos científicos de los docentes y profesionales de empresas publicas y privadas, permiten que la revista mktDescubre de la Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo, Facultad de Administración de Empresas, fortalezca su producción científica.