Management capabilities vs administration of human resources in Chimborazo textilers: a qualitative interpretation
(Enero - Junio)
The SMEs in the textile sector located in the province of Chimborazo face severe difficulties arising from inadequate management of human talent, which, in turn, stems from the lack and/or weakness of management skills of their managers, so the objective of this article is to identify management strategies through qualitative analysis of the management skills of those who manage them in order to establish a critical evaluation on which to build, in a subsequent work, a proposal for standardization of human capital management applicable to both the companies subject to this study and the rest of the textile companies in the area. The result of the analysis showed that the SMEs under study require greater integration and systematization of improvement initiatives in the management of their workers that lead to substantial improvements in their working conditions to obtain new and higher levels of individual and organizational performance than those achieved through isolated practices.