Clients fidelization strategies for the internet service

(Enero - Junio)

  • Iván Fernando Pesantez Chiriboga Universidad del Azuay - Ecuador
  • María Elena Castro Rivera Universidad del Azuay - Ecuador
  • Adrián Patricio Salinas Iñiguez Universidad del Azuay - Ecuador
  • Marco Antonio Ríos Ponce Universidad del Azuay - Ecuador


This research proposes customer loyalty strategies for the Internet service, based on important concepts of service marketing, consumer behavior and customer loyalty; Supporting the proposal through market research whose methodology and results are exposed to be considered as a basis for the formulation of the proposal and its corresponding actions for the aforementioned services. To achieve the results, qualitative research tools were used, among them: in-depth interviews with experts in the aforementioned services and, as part of the quantitative research and based on a probabilistic sampling, random surveys were conducted to users of the different suppliers. of internet services. The results of this research generated management strategies and indicators that could constitute a basis for a customer loyalty plan, in order to avoid the abandonment or flight of customers to the company, keeping in mind that the customer is the reason to be of any organization.


Jun 11, 2018
How to Cite
PESANTEZ CHIRIBOGA, Iván Fernando et al. Clients fidelization strategies for the internet service. mktDESCUBRE, [S.l.], v. 1, n. 11, p. 67 - 79, june 2018. ISSN 2602-8522. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 03 mar. 2025.