Features of the psycho-emotional adaptation of ecuadorian students abroad

March - June 2019


The present article describes the results of the analysis of the psico-emotional adaptation strategy, which Ecuadorian students maintain in two different cultural scenarios: first, those that migrate from provinces to Quito city, in order to study in universities of the capital; and second, those that migrate from the whole Ecuador to Moscow, to study in universities at Russia's capital. The aim of the research was to determine if the strategy in both cases is similar, its main characteristics, how effective it could be in the two different cultural scenarios, and the time that can take for Ecuadorian students to finish the adaptation process. The quantitative approach was used for this research, and it was done in correlacional level. Several descriptive and differential statistical methods were used, such as the percentage analysis and the factor and cluster analysis respectively. The main conclusion from this research was the similarity of the psico-emotional strategy used in both stages, the difference between the two groups in the psico-emotional effectiveness that implies the use of this strategy, and the time that take for the students to get an effective adaptation level.


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Jun 9, 2019
How to Cite
COSTALES ZAVGORODNIAYA, Anna Isabel; BORISOVNA, Mihailova Olga. Features of the psycho-emotional adaptation of ecuadorian students abroad. mktDESCUBRE, [S.l.], v. 1, n. 13, p. 3 - 11, june 2019. ISSN 2602-8522. Available at: <http://revistas.espoch.edu.ec/index.php/mktdescubre/article/view/190>. Date accessed: 04 mar. 2025.