Analysis of the commercialization chain of the main horticultural articles of the san luis parish, aimed at generating a proposal of support prices for small producers


The 42.14% of the inhabitants of the San Luis parish represent the economically active population; they are dedicated to agricultural and livestock activities and sell their products through intermediaries in the wholesale market in the area, which means that on several occasions they make minimal profits and on other occasions they make losses.


Primary information (producers) and secondary information (current national legislation and international regulations) was collected. It was determined that the price is imposed by large intermediaries and that the main crops are lettuce, broccoli and kidney tomatoes. Crops are grown in areas of 500 m2 and up, where production costs range from $200.00 to $700.00 depending on agricultural inputs (fertilizer, seeds, irrigation, mobilization, post-harvest).

The yield of the land depends on the extension, in the case of broccoli and lettuce vary from 1.56 KG/m2 to 2.54 KG /m2, while in kidney tomato from 3.07 KG /m2 to 5.12 KG /m2. Lettuce crops are an expense, since $0.35 to $0.77 cents is lost for each kilogram sold; broccoli has a profitability in the extensions of land that go over 1000 m2 receiving income of $0.11, while the kidney tomato in the three types of extensions has profits ranging from $0.57 to $2.14.

This leads to propose a provincial public policy to regulate support prices and marketing in the wholesale of the city of Riobamba; the policy was developed within the framework of the regulations of the Ministerial Agreement of MAG No. 134, this has 28 articles distributed in 10 titles which are: generalities, actors of marketing, market, control and regulation mechanisms, prices, market infrastructure, incentives, sanctions, research and development, regulations and quality certifications.


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Jun 6, 2021
How to Cite
ESTRADA GAIBOR, Jorge Remigio; ALLAN FIALLOS, Gabriela Carolina; MOSCOSO JÁCOME, Ronal Elicio. Analysis of the commercialization chain of the main horticultural articles of the san luis parish, aimed at generating a proposal of support prices for small producers. mktDESCUBRE, [S.l.], v. 1, n. 17, p. 106 - 120, june 2021. ISSN 2602-8522. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 03 mar. 2025. doi: