Reimagining post-covid-19 teaching-learning: prospective analysis of future scenarios


The effects that Covid-19 has caused concerning education, such as social distancing measures implemented worldwide, opted for digitization to avoid student desertion. The present work seeks to apply an investigation that allows the development of an assessment of future scenarios in the field of teaching-learning during the health emergency for the implementation of a pilot plant to obtain dehydrated fruits and its economic impact, the methodology is supported in software, said system called MICMAC; which allowed to relate the influence and dependence through the use of the structural analysis matrix; To carry out the procedure, three phases were used, which are summarized below: phase 1 that corresponds to the list of variables, analyzing 15 variables in their entirety, being identified through previously carried out surveys, phase 2 is carried out the description of the relationship between the variables and the system and finally phase 3 that corresponds to the identification of the key variables as well as the analysis of the direct influences and intensity of the qualitative assessments. Regarding the results, three variables of greater relevance were identified, which correspond to: Ciberseg, which has a two-way impact that actions must be taken to maintain cybersecurity in the virtual area, Pedag establish good communication teacher-student, with teaching tactics Y Herra Tec, which will help to understand the management of the new systems, in order to continue with the work outside the formal classroom environment, these variables were included in matrices that provided information through the interpretation of graphs indicating that these influence the other variables so it is of great importance to take appropriate actions to generate future scenarios based on the aforementioned.


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Jun 10, 2024
How to Cite
ARBOLEDA ALVAREZ, Luis; BRAVO AVALOS, María; RUIZ CARRILLO, Carolay. Reimagining post-covid-19 teaching-learning: prospective analysis of future scenarios. mktDESCUBRE, [S.l.], v. 1, n. 23, p. 79 - 91, june 2024. ISSN 2602-8522. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 04 mar. 2025. doi:
Social Education Management