Reengineering of the process in the commercialization of dairy products in SMEs in the city of Riobamba


The success of proposing a reengineering in the process of commercialization in micro-enterprises, will basically depend about the knowledge of strategies, marketing, cost among others, and especially the acceptance and follow- up that the producers will have about the proposals made by the experts. The main purpose of the following investigation, is to show the results about the implementation of a reengineering to a the pilot microenterprise for dairy products in the city of Riobamba, showing how through the redesign of the marketing methodology witch presented various difficulties such as high fixed costs, inadequate delivery routes, customers with little growth potential and poor logistics, they were able to achieve a continuous improvement in the sub process production. For the analysis of the current situation, the hypothetical-deductive research method was used and the descriptive research was applied to a representative sample, in addition, the results were tabulated and analyzed in statistical software. The application of new methodologies in the commercial area allowed an increase of 10.12% in its sales in the first quarter, also, the production times decreased by 22.3%. These results may be the basis for replicating the study in similar micro-enterprises and implementing good business practices and continuous improvement..


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Jun 10, 2020
How to Cite
CÓRDOVA PROCEL, Juan et al. Reengineering of the process in the commercialization of dairy products in SMEs in the city of Riobamba. mktDESCUBRE, [S.l.], v. 1, n. 15, p. 41 - 54, june 2020. ISSN 2602-8522. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 03 mar. 2025. doi: